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Changing with the times! Remote Online Notary Service

Remote Online notary was scheduled to begin in July 2020, however with the rapid COVID-19 pandemic, the option for Remote Online Notary was moved up and approved to be used as of April 2020.

As a Notary, I understand the need for flexible options. We had a client who was out of the country on a trip and was unable to return to the States due to the lock down with the pandemic, so we used remote online notary services to help them.

She needed to provide a Financial Power of Attorney to complete a Real Estate Transaction already in process and scheduled to close prior to her to return.

We were able to facilitate the Remote Online Notary transaction, provide the document to the Title Company, who then forwarded it to their legal department as they were not fully aware of the option at that time.

We were able to provide all the necessary documentation to the Title company to satisfy the stringent requirements to get our client’s Loan closed without delay or issues, which in turn indirectly had a positive impact on many people, including our client.

The Title company sent me this message to say thanks!

“Hi Donna, I suspect your organization leads our organization into the new COVID era. Thanks again for your help.”
(Remote Online Notary)

Title Company

Dovan Associates, Inc.

We aim to stay current with the times to afford quality service to all of our clientele.

Understanding the services you request

Understand the services you request to ensure you are not creating a bigger issue. For example – a Customer thought that he could prepare a quit claim deed to transfer the property of his deceased Mother. He had filed the appropriate documents with the court, and was also in the process of closing out the probate, however as of this time, he has not transferred the property out of the estate.

Filing a quit claim on the property could lead to title issues when, and if, he attempts to sell the property and could also require the “reopening” of a probate case just to transfer the property. When unsure of the documents required, it’s advisable to seek legal advice. I cannot tell you what documents you need, however I will do my best to ensure the request you are asking will correctly facilitate your ultimate mission.

Work with a Certified Legal Document Preparer

Verify that you are working with a Certified Legal Document preparer prior to paying for documents to be completed for you.

A customer paid what appears to be a self-proclaimed “Paralegal” to complete a divorce with children for her.  She thought she was saving some money – paid the $300.00. However, 6 months later she is still trying to get her dissolution approved by the court and the self-proclaimed paralegal is nowhere to be found…We will assist this customer in getting her final decree approved by the court.

All documents prepared by a Certified Legal Document preparer should include their name and certification number on the forms.